Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TableScapes: The Special Event Conference

We had a great time at the special event conference last month in New Orleans. This week, we're taking you on a tour through our camera lens. This table design was created by one of the top event professionals in the industry and could be used at a wedding or an intimate dinner at home with friends and family. Make sure to use lower arrangements so guests can see across the table. Tip: A few of the tabletop pieces can be purchased at Z Gallerie, one of our favorite stores!


  1. Hi Ladies!
    I am a fan of your work! I really admire two young ladies (especially fellow Houstonians)with a keen eye for style using their talent to provide top notch services to those who aprpeciate a quality event. I am planning to attend The Special Event in PHX in January, along with another friend, and we were wondering if you could provide some advice on which of the scheduled workshops or educational events provide the best bang for the buck or present that WOW factor? Or do you recommend just participating in the exhibit portion only? We are very excited and are looking forward to going. Any advice or thoughts you could provide would be greatly apprecited. Hope to see you there!

  2. Hi Tobi!
    Thank you so much for such kind words! We really appreciate it! Can you send me an email at info@rendezvous-events.com. I will respond to your questions about the special event conference and tell you about our personal experience.

    Hope to hear from you soon. ~Shannon
